The Spirit of Sustainable Agriculture

Held on March 31 and April 1, 2016, at Harvard Divinity School, The Spirit of Sustainable Agriculture conference brought together farmers, religious and spiritual leaders, activists, and scholars, to explore the spirit of sustainable agriculture—past, present, and future.

  1. At the HDS Spirit of Sustainable Agriculture Conference, participants spent time outdoors today learning about the cultivation of mushrooms, practicing mindfulness, and treating our earth well. #agspirit
    At the HDS Spirit of Sustainable Agriculture Conference, participants spent time outdoors today learning about the cultivation of mushrooms, practicing mindfulness, and treating our earth well. #agspirit
  2. "Smallgreen Island" is for you, #AgSpirit people. The conference is done, but our work goes on forever. 
  3. Had a truly wonderful time learning from & with inspirational people at HDS #AgSpirit "su lucha es mi lute""om shanti shanti shanti"
  4. Thank you to everyone who presented, participated in, and worked on bringing together a great weekend at @harvarddivinity #agspirit
    Thank you to everyone who presented, participated in, and worked on bringing together a great weekend at @harvarddivinity #agspirit
  5. "Small farmers cool the planet. If there is carbon in the air, there's a way to get it in the ground." #agspirit
  6. To do this work we will have to work together. To collaborate effectively we need to cultivate the social fields. #agspirit
  7. "Agriculture needs to play a foundational role in cultural renewal." #agspirit
  8. We streaming our final sessions folks. Tune in for a panel reflection on these fruitful two days. #agspirit
  9. We're going to take a supper break and then return for a closing panel reflecting on the conference as a whole. See you in 1.5hrs #agspirit
  10. Here's this morning's talk on "Sacred Reciprocity in the Context of Sustainable Agriculture":  #agspirit
  11. "Beekeeping is a funny word. That's the last thing we're doing. Bees are keeping us. They keep our biosphere going" Michael Thiele #agspirit
  12. Honeybees for life, a discussion about utilizing nature and natural instincts in our rlshp w/ bees #agspirit
    Honeybees for life, a discussion about utilizing nature and natural instincts in our rlshp w/ bees #agspirit
  13. Claudia Ford shares the Roots of Sacred Seeds and Spiritual Ecology. #AgSpirit
    Claudia Ford shares the Roots of Sacred Seeds and Spiritual Ecology. #AgSpirit
  14. "I ask patients, 'How willing are you to change?' Even close to death sometimes there is resistance to change." #truth #agspirit
  15. Always great to hear from one of my dear ones, Dr. Claudia Ford, speak about sacred seeds, spiritual ecology, and ethnobotany #agspirit
  16. The idea of a food apartheid highlights the social construction of the kind or lack of foods we find around us. #agspirit
  17. Use food apartheid rather than food desert because there's nothing natural about food deserts. #agspirit, Leah Penniman @soulfirefarm
  18. Excited to hear from Leah Penniman of @soulfirefarm at today's #agspirit conference!
  19. One day you may need a doctor, but you'll need a peasant every day of your life—Yazmin Lopez, Honduran farmer @HarvardDivinity #agspirit
  20. "We can't talk about #sustainableag when our land is in the hands of multinational corporations" -Yazmin Lopez, Honduran farmer #agspirit
  21. "Give students the opportunity to touch the Earth."  - Joan Armon Ph.D. #AgSpirit
    "Give students the opportunity to touch the Earth." - Joan Armon Ph.D. #AgSpirit
  22. Words of Archbishop Oscar Romero ring out in plenary session. #AgSpirit
    Words of Archbishop Oscar Romero ring out in plenary session. #AgSpirit
  23. "I would like to equate sustainability and love" - Sebastian Kretschmer #agspirit
  24. Day 2 of #agspirit at HDS. No one has slept, but who cares? WE'RE TRYING TO SAVE THE PLANET HERE.
  25. About to begin hearing plenary panel on Sacred Reciprocity in the context of #sustainable agriculture. #AgSpirit
  26. Good mornings #AgSpirit folks. We're about to start another full, exciting day. See live stream for morning panel 
  27. Just gave a presentation at Harvard on the spiritual dimension of black food sovereignty and listened to Via Campesina and sister Claudia Ford drop knowledge on indigenous land struggles internationally. #goals #harvarddivinity #agspirit #blacklandmatters #joy
    Just gave a presentation at Harvard on the spiritual dimension of black food sovereignty and listened to Via Campesina and sister Claudia Ford drop knowledge on indigenous land struggles internationally. #goals #harvarddivinity #agspirit #blacklandmatters #joy
  28. Very engaging first day at #agspirit. Especially enjoyed learning about the Christian Food Movement from @nurya and the #realfoodchallenge
  29. An engaging day so far #agspirit. More events tonight but live streaming ends for today. For those watching online, see you in the morning.
  30. If you missed Nigel Savage's opening keynote this morning, you can check it out here:  #agspirit
  31. Really delighted to be at the #agspirit conference at HDS!
  32. How do people orient their lives amid disorder and uncertainty? #AgSpirit
  33. Text study is like being in a book club with people who are 2000 years old. #agspirit
  34. You can attend if you are not Jewish - the requirement is that you want to be present for a whole lot of Jewish programming. #agspirit
  35. Every Friday evening there is a closing ritual and jump into the river which is their mikveh to prepare for Shabbat #agspirit
  36. It's not just a demonstration garden, it's part of the local food economy and a working production agriculture farm. #agspirit
  37. Adamah makes value-added products in a commercial kitchen and has a small herd of goats. #agspirit
  38. The young people who come to the farm are trying to face the world's challenges, looking for tools to do so. Avodat HaLev is that. #agspirit
  39. Every day starts with Avodat HaLev which is based on the Shacharit service. Single lines from tradition sung in repetition #agspirit
  40. Schedule has compost, barnyard, home care, food cycle, milking, "Bread & Torah" Synagogue, and animal chores. #agspirit
  41. Adamah Farm on 10 acres - CSA, production, fellowship experience for 14 young adults. Showing the schedule #agspirit
  42. For most Jews, Judaism has a lot to do with "doing" - beginning a presentation on Adamah (@hazon farm) #agspirit
  43. Next up: Janna Silver of Hazon talks Text, Tradition and Jewish Ritual to reshape the food system. #AgSpirit
    Next up: Janna Silver of Hazon talks Text, Tradition and Jewish Ritual to reshape the food system. #AgSpirit
  44. Kenji Ishihara builds an argument for sustainability using Ecological Hermeneutics. #AgSpirit
    Kenji Ishihara builds an argument for sustainability using Ecological Hermeneutics. #AgSpirit
  45. "The level of unconsciousness in the world is quite high" - Gena Nonini #agspirit
  46. Zev Friedman talking about Milpa cycle/Lifeways, mutual aid, and carbon farming. #AgSpirit
    Zev Friedman talking about Milpa cycle/Lifeways, mutual aid, and carbon farming. #AgSpirit
  47. Food Justice: working against oppression in the food system at #agspirit (spoiler alert: it's sure complex, but important work)
  48. Biodynamics: "Sometimes people think cosmic rhythms are 'woo-woo' - but last time I checked, God created the cosmos." #agspirit
  49. Colin Beavan invites us to mystery and transcendence through growing food. #AgSpirit
    Colin Beavan invites us to mystery and transcendence through growing food. #AgSpirit
  50. Muslim speaking to say that in the Quoran, human beings are given the trust of Creation which is different from dominion. #agspirit
  51. It will fall on the theologians of the Abrahamic traditions that sees humans as part of Creation #agspirit
  52. At the Spirit of Sustainable Agriculture Conference in the Harvard Divinity School! #agspirit 
    At the Spirit of Sustainable Agriculture Conference in the Harvard Divinity School! #agspirit ________________________________ #spirituality#agriculture#farmers#appreciation#community#interconnection#gardenfoods#conposting
  53. All set up over at the exhibit area! Come talk to me about an ecotheology of critical hope. #agspirit
  54. We need to move to a perennial diet that is not just seasonal but also what is ecologically responsible in our location #agspirit
  55. My talk is done alleluia alleluia and now I am listening to Michael Miles & Jake Olzen discuss incarnational discipleship #agspirit
  56. Mike Miles Anathoth Community Farm: Sacramental Agriculture: Regenerative Farming and the Divine Intent at #AgSpirit
    Mike Miles Anathoth Community Farm: Sacramental Agriculture: Regenerative Farming and the Divine Intent at #AgSpirit
  57. Matthew DelSesto talks about beyond the technocratic paradigm in urban ag. #agspirit
    Matthew DelSesto talks about beyond the technocratic paradigm in urban ag. #agspirit
  58. Inspiring talk about @hazon & Jewish food movt by Nigel Savage, now to hear @nurya on the Christian good movt! #agspirit
  59. Each of us must remember paradox. On one hand "For my sake the world was created" & on other "I am dust and will return to dust." #agspirit
  60. FYI I am hoping that @Plainsong_Farm will be an Adamah for the Christian world #agspirit
  61. Opportunities: 1) create an interfaith and multifaith CSA's. 2) Teva is a great model - ecology faith formation. 3) Adamah #agspirit
  62. The first 10-15 years of JOFFEE has had a bigger impact in the Jewish world than the wider world. That's a challenge. #agspirit
  63. There are a growing number of Jewish twenty-somethings feeling called to faith and farm. What happens after they run farm camp? #agspirit
  64. Challenges: Money. The process of building resources for leading change is painful and there is no magic bullet. #agspirit AMEN!
  65. This work is not just about engaging with the world, but also with the text. #agspirit
  66. Jewish tradition comes alive outdoors. We entered religious history as an indigenous people. @nigelssavage #agspirit
  67. Describes evolution of JOFFEE concept and the importance of naming, language. Story: power of an idea whose time has come. #agspirit
  68. .@nigelssavage says "we put language to what we were doing and I encourage you to do so too" #agspirit
  69. "The Jewish tradition has a vocabulary for saying Wow and Thank you." - from this video  #agspirit
  70. The assumption is that by engaging the largest issues of our time we will see a renewal of Jewish life #agspirit
  71. All the programs at @hazon are about pointing Jewish life outwards so that to be Jewish is to engage w largest issues of our time #agspirit
  72. "The Torah is a commentary on the world, and the world is a commentary on the Torah" - quote from Reb Carlebach z"l @nigelssavage #agspirit
  73. How do we live sustainably and well together on this planet - and what role does religion play in answering those questions? #agspirit
  74. "Young Jewish Farmers Changing the World one Pickle at a Time" is another image of what it is to be Jewish today #agspirit
  75. Organized religion is not speaking to people as it has in the past underneath the radar things are changing in Jewish community. #agspirit
  76. What I want to do is try to give a sense of what has been happening underneath the radar of organized Jewish life #agspirit @nigelssavage
  77. One of my heroes Nigel Savage from @hazon - asks us to introduce ourselves to each other. #agspirit
  78. Beautiful sentiment to encourage participants to attend at least one session from a culture that you are not familiar with. #agspirit
  79. "The level of interest we have seen at this conference indicates that we may be called to do something new and transformative." #agspirit
  80. The wifi and I are friends and I am looking forward to some livetweeting here at #agspirit - thanks @ChericeBock for help!
  81. Made it to #agspirit and ready to hear the keynote by Nigel Savage!
  82. Here we go! Presenting on Regenerative Agriculture! #AgSpirit #permaculture #perennial #regenerativeag #lakecitycw
    Here we go! Presenting on Regenerative Agriculture! #AgSpirit #permaculture #perennial #regenerativeag #lakecitycw
  83. Pretty stoked to be at the Spirit of Sustainable Ag conference. Looks like it's going to be 2 incredible days. #agspirit
  84. Nigel Savage soon to speak on Lessons from the Evolution of the JOFFEE Movement #AgSpirit at @HarvardDivinity. Tribe assembling!
  85. Live stream of "Spirit of Sustainable Agriculture" begins at 9 am (EDT) 3/31 & continues thru 4/1:  #agspirit
  86. Iroquois Valley Farms at #agspirit Please learn about us in the Poster session
  87. How Harvard Divinity School handles food waste: #agspirit
    How Harvard Divinity School handles food waste: #agspirit
  88. Heading to BOS for Harvard Div's #agspirit conf! If u'll b there check out poster on my blog then come by tomorrow! 
  89. T the is best way of getting to the conference. Tomorrow also looks perfect for getting on a Hubway bike #AgSpirit 
  90. On the T en route to Harvard Divinity for Spirit of Sustainable Agriculture. So excited to meet my tribe! #agspirit
    On the T en route to Harvard Divinity for Spirit of Sustainable Agriculture. So excited to meet my tribe! #agspirit
  91. Excited to hear alums @aemullen @zachkerzee & many others discuss the Spirit of Sustainable Agriculture at #agspirit 
  92. Gotta love password reset. Just got this account re-activated for #agspirit talk tomorrow.
  93. Happy to report that the Boston accent is alive and well. #agspirit
    Happy to report that the Boston accent is alive and well. #agspirit
  94. Halfway to #agspirit conference at @HarvardDivinity and still polishing that talk...
  95. Got that #agspirit this morning! Up & having coffee contemplating our road trip to Cambridge. First a half day at HFS!
  96. Spirituality & Sustainable Agriculture conference at @HarvardDivinity this week. Look forward to the streaming schedule, #agspirit!
  97. Attending next week's #Sustainable #Agriculture conference at HDS? Details here:  Use #agspirit to connect online.
  98. We're looking forward to the Spirit of Sustainable Agriculture #AgSpirit. For those who can't attend, streaming info to follow soon