Harvard Divinity School Faculty Writings File

bMS 13001/Koester: Writings of Helmut Koester

Contents of Box

1959. Curriculum Vitae

1959. "Joachim Jeremias, Die Cleichnisse Jesu," book review by Koester, Verkuendigung und Forschung: 173-178

1959. "Our Bible ad the Ancient Manuscripts, by Sir Frederic Kenyon," "More New Testament Words, by William Barclay," "Essentials of New Testament Study, by Eric Lane Titus," "The Epistles of Paul the Apostle to the Colossians and to Philemon, by C.F.D. Moule," reviews by Helmut Koester, The Harvard Divinity Bulletin, Oct.: 24-27

1961. "Kie Auslegung der Abraham-Verheissung in Hebraer 6," Studien zur Theologie der alttestamentlichen Uberlieferungen: 95-109

1961. "Ulrich Wilckens: Wisheit und Torheit," review by Helmut Koester, Gnomon, aus band 33: 590-591

1962. "The Interpretation of the Gospel of John," 1-4

1962. "Luke, Saint, and Luke, Gospel According to Saint," Encyclopaedia Britannica, Vol. 14: 475-478

1962. "Mark, Gospel According to Saint," Encyclopaedia Britannica, Vol. 14: 910-912

1962. "Mark, Saint," Encyclopaedia Britannica, Vol. 14: 909-910

1962. "Matthew, Saint, and Matthew, Gospel According to Saint" Encyclopaedia Britannica, Vol. 15: 96-98

1962. "Outside the Camp," The Harvard Theological Review, Vol. LV, No. 4: 299-315

1962. " ," Theologisches Woerterbuch zum neuen Testament, Band VII, Lieferung 10: 548-559

1962. "The Purpose of the Polemic of A Pauline Fragment," New Testament Studies, Vol. 8: 317-332

1962. "Segen und Fluch," 1648-1652

1962. "A Theological and Historical Introduction to the Apostolic Fathers, by John Lawson," review by Koester, Journal of Biblical Literature: 416-419

1963. Bibliography

1963. "Gospels," Encyclopaedia Britannica, Vol. 10: 536-538

1963. "Saint Barnabas," Encyclopaedia Britannica: 171

1964. "Haretiker im Urchristentum als theologisches Problem," Zeit und Geschichte: 61-76

1965. " : The Origin and Nature of Diversification in the History of Early Christianity," The Harvard Theological Review, Vol. 58, No. 3: 279-318

1965. "Paul and Hellenism," The Bible in Modern Scholarship: 187-195

1965. "," Theologisches Woerterbuch zum neuen Testament: 106-113

1966. "Ignatius, Saint," Encyclopaedia Britannica: 1070

1966. "Pastoral Epistles," Encyclopaedia Britannica, Vol. 17: 444-446

1966. "Polycarp, Saint," Encyclopaedia Britannica: 190-191

1966. "Sources for New Testament"

1968. " : The Concept of Natural Law in Greek Thought,"

1968. "The Role of Myth in the New Testament," Andover Newton Quarterly, Vol. 8, No. 3: 180-195

1969. "Bibliography"

1969. "," Theological Woerterbuch zum Neuen Testament, Band VIII, Lieferung 10: 571-588

1976. "Bibliography Update"

1980. "Apocryphal and Canonical Gospels," Harvard Theological Review, Vol. 73: 105-130

1980. "Apostel und Gemeinde in den Briefen an die Thessalonicher," Kirche: 287-298

1980. "," 5-14

1980. "Gnostic Writings as Witnesses for the Development of the Sayings Tradition," The Rediscovery of Gnosticism: 238-261

1988. "The Extracanonical Sayings of the Lord as Products of the Christian Community," Semeia 44: 57-77

1972. "Zur religiosen Situation in den USA," Nachrichten der Evangelisch-Lutherischen Kircken Bayern: 201-206

1975. "New Testament Introduction: A Critique of a Discipline," Christianity, Judaism and Other Greco-Roman Cults: 1-20

1975. "The Secret Gospel: The Discovery and Interpretation of the Secret Gospel According to Mark, and Clement of Alexandria and a Secret Gospel of Mark, by Morton Smith," 620-621

1977. Correspondence, to Peter Oliver, from Koester

1978. "Notes and Observations," Harvard Theological Review, Vol. 71: 151-153

1979. "Thessalonians--Experiment in Christian Writing," Continuity and Discontinuity in Church History: 33-44

1980. "Apocryphal and Canonical Gospels," Harvard Theological Review: 105-130

1980. "Apostel und Gemeinde in den Briefen an die Thessalonicher," Kirche: 287-298

1980. "Gnostic Writings as Witnesses for the Development of the Sayings Tradition," The Rediscovery of Gnosticism, Vol. 1: 238-261

1983. "," 5-14

1988. "The Extracanonical Sayings of the Lord as Products of the Christian Community," Semeia, Vol. 44: 57-77

n.d. Bibliography

n.d. Helmut Koester, bibliography

n.d. "Johannesevangelium," Evangelisches Kirchenlexikon: 480-843

n.d. "Vertical File Inventory"


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