Harvard Divinity School Faculty Writings File

bMS 13001/Miller: Writings of Samuel H. Miller

Contents of Boxes

Box 1

1931. "The Sermon Jesus Did Not Preach," The Christian Century Pulpit, Vol. II, No. 8: 7-9

1936. "That Forgotten Christmas," Massachusetts Baptist Bulletin: 3-4

1937. "The Religious Interpretation of History [bibliography]," The Bulletin of the General Theological Library, Vol. XXIX, No. 3: 10-14

1938. "Man's Appropriate Profit," The Christian Century Pulpit, Vol. IX, No. 8: 169-171

1938. "What is Man?," 1-6

1940. "Barnabas: The Man Who Could Not Believe," sermon preached at the Old Cambridge Baptist Church: 1-7

1941. "Religion and the Arts," Bulletin of the General Theological Library, Vol. XXXIV, No. 1: 5-8

1941. "Wings of Prayer," 5-24

1943. "The Season of the Soul,"5-28

1945. "Prayers in the Dark of War," 5-27

1948. "Christian Paths to Self-Acceptance, by Robert H. Bonthius," book review by Miller, The Journal of Pastoral Care, Vol. 2, No. 4: 41-42

1948. "Sources of Professional Hostility"

1948. "A Surgeon Explains to the Layman, by M. Banmosche," book review by Miller, The Journal of Pastoral Care, Vol. 2, No. 3: 43-45

1949. "Symptoms of Religious Need"

1950. "The Primary Concerns of Faith," 1-4

1950. "The Way of Christian Joy," 1-4

1950. "Why Are You Single?, compiled by Hilda Holland," book review by Miller, Journal of Pastoral Care, Vol. 4, No. 1&2: 68

1951. "Christian Love, by Paul E. Johnson," book review by Miller, The Journal of Pastoral Care, Vol. 5, No. 2: 39-41

1952. "Experiments of Spiritual Life and Health, by Roger Williams," book review by Miller, The Journal of Pastoral Care, Vol. 6, No. 1: 64-65

1952. "Exploring the Boundary Between Religion and Psychiatry," The Journal of Pastoral Care, Vol. 6, No. 2: 1-11

1952. "Psychotherapy and Christian View of Man, by David E. Roberts," book review by Miller, The Journal of Pastoral Care, Vol. 6, No. 4: 51-52

1953. "At the Door of the Church," Vol. XLVI, No. 1: 44-48

1953. "The Influence of William James from the Viewpoint of a Parish Minister," The Journal of Pastoral Care, Vol. VII, No. 3: 142-147

1953. "The Ministry, ed. J. Richard Spann," book review by Miller, The Journal of Pastoral Care, Vol. VII, No. 4: 235-237

1953. "The Recovery of Christian Truth," Andover Newton Bulletin, Vol. XLV, No. 3: 19-28

1953. "Religion's Role in Psycho-Therapy," address given at the Community Church Center: 1-5

1953. "Union Lenten Service of Worship [program of service]"

1954. "Field VI in the Divinity School Curriculum," Divinity School Bulletin, Vol. 1, No. 20: 71-74

1954. "God and the Unconscious, by Victor White," book review by Miller, The Journal of Pastoral Care, Vol. VIII, No. 2: 101-103

1954. "The Life of the Soul, by Samuel Miller," reviewed by John Dixon Copp, The Journal of Pastoral Care, Vol. VIII, No. 4: 238

1954. "Man's Need and God's Action, by Reuel L. Howe," book review by Miller, 172-173

1954. "Philosophy and the Ideological Conflict, by Charles S. Seely," book review by Miller, The Journal of Pastoral Care, Vol. VIII, No. 3: 186

1955. "Foreword by the Editor," and "Kierkegaard: Then and Now," Andover Newton Bulletin, Vol. XLVII, No. 3: 3-11

1955. "The Image of God in Man, by David S. Cairns," book review by Miller: 118-119

1956. "The Easter Sermon," At Old Cambridge Baptist Church: 1-3

1956. "The Nature of Our Christian Responsibility," At Old Cambridge Baptist Church: 1-5

1957. "Address at the Sixth Annual Church and Social Welfare Institute on Human Suffering," Providence, Feb. 5: 1-9

1957. "Christmas-A Christian Problem," 1-4

1957. "The Church and the Scientists," The Ecumenical Review, Vol. IX, No. 4: 380-394

1957. "The Church in the Twentieth Century," sermon preached at Old Cambridge Baptist Church: 1-5

1957. "Contemplation," sermon preached at Old Cambridge Baptist Church: 1-4

1957. "The Dimension of Praise," sermon preached at Old Cambridge Church: 1-3

1957. "The Distortion of Religion," sermon preached at Old Cambridge Baptist Church: 1-4

1957. "Faith and the Challenge of Miracle,"

1957. "The Foundation of Hope," Easter Sermon, Old Cambridge Baptist Church: 1-4

1957. "The Humbler Side of Faith," sermon preached at Old Cambridge Church: 1-3

1957. "The Relationship of Art and Religion in the Contemporary Situation," An Address by Miller at an Exhibit of German Expressionism

1957. "The Span of the Spirit," sermon preached at Old Cambridge Baptist Church: 1-4

1957. "Suffering and Redemption," an Exhibit of Works by Kaethe Kollwitz, and Sculptures by Ray Goodman and Samuel Miller: 1-2

1957. "Thanks Be to God," sermon preached at Old Cambridge Baptist Church: 1-4

1958. "The Beatitudes," sermon preached at Old Cambridge Baptist Church: 1-4

1958. "The Christian and Unbelief," sermon preached at Old Cambridge Baptist Church: 1-4

1958. "The Discipline of Hope," sermon preached at Old Cambridge Baptist Church: 1-4

1958. "The Experience of Consecration in Professor and Student," The Journal of Religious Thought, Vol. XVI, No. 1: 27-34

1958. "Faith's Journey," sermon preached at Old Cambridge Baptist Church: 1-4

1958. "The Function of Religion," sermon preached at Old Cambridge Baptist Church: 1-4

1958. "The Hidden Center of Life," sermon preached at Old Cambridge Baptist Church: 1-3

1958. "The Hope of Salvation," sermon preached at Old Cambridge Baptist Church: 1-3

1958. "The Image of Contemporary Man," Union Seminary Quarterly Review, Vol. XIV, No. 1: 25-36

1958. "The Image of Reality," The Intercollegian, Vol. 75, No. 5: 6-8

1958. "The Incarnation and Our Contemporary Culture," The Intercollegian: 3-5

1958. "The Joy of Faith," sermon preached at Old Cambridge Baptist Church: 1-4

1958. "The Kingdom of the Angels," sermon preached at Old Cambridge Baptist Church: 1-4

1958. "Listening for the Word of God," sermon preached at Old Cambridge Baptist Church: 1-4

1958. "The Living Present," sermon preached at Old Cambridge Baptist Church: 1-4

1958. "The Living Word," The Andover Newton Bulletin, Vol. L, No. 4: 27-43

1958. "The Nature of True Greatness," sermon preached at Old Cambridge Baptist Church, Palm Sunday: 1-4

1958. "The Predicament of Religion," sermon preached at Old Cambridge Baptist Church, Jan. 12: 1-4

1958. "The Reality of Being Lost," sermon preached at Old Cambridge Baptist Church: 1-4

1958. "Reducing the Reality of the Lord's Supper," Foundations, Oct.: 24-29

1958. "In Remembrance of Christ," sermon preached at Old Baptist Church

1958. "The Rise and Fall of Faith," sermon preached at Old Cambridge Baptist Church: 1-4

1958. "Salt and Light," sermon preached at Old Cambridge Baptist Church, Aug. 17: 1-5

1958. "The Search for God-Beyond Idolatry," sermon preached at Old Cambridge Baptist Church: 1-5

1958. "To Show Forth the Lord's Death," sermon preached at Old Cambridge Baptist Church: 1-3

1958. "The Strange Work of God," sermon preached at Old Cambridge Baptist Church: 1-4

1958. "Tradition: The Meeting Place of Past and Present," sermon preached at Old Baptist Church: 1-3

1958. "Tradition and Revelation," sermon preached at Old Baptist Church, Sept. 22: 1-4

1958. "The Vision of Reality," sermon preached at Old Cambridge Baptist Church: 1-4

1958. "What Does the Christian Faith Offer?," sermon preached at Old Cambridge Baptist Church: 1-3

1958. "What is a Religious Decision?," a sermon preached at Old Cambridge Baptist Church: 1-3

Box 2

1959. "But Find the Point Again," address delivered at the Convocation Service of the Harvard Divinity School, Sept. 30: 1-20

1959. Correspondence, to Miller from John Lear, Science Editor of Saturday Review, Nov. 5

1959. "The Death of God," 1-13

1959. "The Durable Resources of the Church," May 13: 1-4

1959. "The Evolution of Religion," Saturday Review, Nov. 14: 70-71

1959. "The Fourth Man," 1-11

1959. "Gethsemane and Faith," The Pulpit, Vol. XXX, No. 3: 4-5, 19

1959. "The Nature of the Congregation in Worship," Encounter, Vol. 20, No. 2: 244-251

1959. "The Need for a New Saint," sermon preached at Old Cambridge Baptist Church, May 24: 1-4

1959. "The Order of the Holy Termites," 1-11

1959. "Pastoral Dean," Time: 58

1959. "Pointing the Way, by Martin Buber," book review by Miller, Theology Today

1959. "The Recovery of Christ," sermon preached at Old Cambridge Baptist Church, May 17: 1-4

1959. "The Seminarian: 'Like Marbles...,' Newsweek: 94

1959. "Sophisticated Superstition," 1-17

1959. "Works of art are things in themselves," International Journal of Religious Education: 16-18

1959. "The Vision of Reality," Baccalaureate Sermon, Clark University Alumni Bulletin, 8-10

1960. "But Find the Point Again," Union Seminary Quarterly Review, Vol. XV, No. 3: 221-234

1960. "Coll'swood High Rites Set June 7"

1960. "The Focus of Theological Training," Harvard Divinity Bulletin: 1-8

1960. "An Honest Man of God," address at the Minister's Luncheon, Rochester Chamber of Commerce

1960. "The Image of Contemporary Man," The City Church, Vol. XI, No. 2: 2-3, 8

1960. "The Installation Sermon," Installation of Rev. Robert Leigh Eddy as Pastor of the North Congregational Church in Woburn: 25-31

1960. "Miracle and Meaning," 1-6

1960. "Post-Christian Man," The Christian Scholar, Vol. XLIII, Winter: 265-268

1960. "Post-Christian Man," The Village Voice, Vol. V. No. 17: 1, 6

1960. "The Practice of Religion in a Technological Culture," Convention Lecture #1

1960. "Souls Threshed From Their Husks," The Outlook, Vol. 10, No. 1: 1-8

1960. "The Survival of Human Nature," Renewal in the Inner City

1960. "The Tangle of Ethics," Harvard Business Review, Vol. 38, No. 1: 59-

1960. "The Theology of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, by John D. Godsey, and The Cost of Discipleship, by Dietrich Bonhoeffer," book reviews by Miller, The United Church Herald, Vol. 15, No. 3: 18

1960. "Training Men in the Christian Faith,"

1960. "The Uneasy Frontier Between Religion and the World: The Church, the Seminary, and the World," 1-23

1960. Untitled Typescript

1960. "The Work of the Church in Worship," Convention Lecture #2

1960. "The Worship and the Arts," Foundations, Vol. III, No. 3: 198-204

1960. "Worship and Work in the Industrial Age," Pastoral Psychology, Vol. 11, No. 102: 23-34

Box 3

1961. "The Department of the Church," Oct. 3: 1-3

1961. "The Dilemma of the Chaplaincy," Chapel and College: 4-7

1961. "The Doctrine of Man," The Christian Century, Vol. LXXVIII, No. 31: 928-929

1961. "Man and the Ministry," The Christian Century, Vol. LXXVIII, No. 17: 511-512

1961. "Man Without Face," commencement address, Harvard Divinity School, May 16: 3-9

1961. "The Mystery of Our Calling," Harvard Divinity Bulletin, Vol. 26, No. 1: 13-17

1961. "The Nurture of Faith by the Use of Books," Bulletin of the General Theological Library, Vol. LIII, No. 3: 4-9

1961. "The Nurture of Faith by the Use of Books," The Protestant Church Buildings and Equipment: 17-19

1961. "Prayer," Harvard University Commencement

1961. "Program, Personalities, Lectures," pamphlet

1961. "Remarks of the Rev. Samuel H. Miller, D. D.," Academy of the Religion and Mental Health: 3-4

1961. "Revolution and Religion," address given at the Princeton University Seminary

1961. "Sermon on the Word of God," Memorial Church, Harvard University, Nov. 12: 1-4

1961. "Theological Education at Harvard," 1-4

1961. "Three Articles: The Clumsy, Daring Word, The Vision of Reality, A Learned Ministry," Crossroads, Vol. II, No. 4: 9-17

1961. "Training Men in the Christian Faith," The Unitarian Christian, Vol. 17, No. 1: 3-7

1961. Untitled copied typescript

1961. "In a World Threatened by Nuclear Destruction...What Can I Believe?," Look, Dec. 19: 89-90

1962. "This Architecture the Church Needs," Protestant Church Buildings and Equipment, May: 14-15

1962. "The Blue Guitar," Baccalaureate Sermon, Denison University, June 10: 1-12

1962. "Changing Styles in Ethics," The Laymen's Movement, Vol. V, No. 4: 1-11

1962. "Character and the Sacraments of the Self," The Crane Review, Vol. IV, No. 3: 137-146

1962. "The Christian Vocation-Putting the Pieces Together," The Lynchburg College Magazine, Vol. 4, No. 3: 6-8

1962. "Courage to Become," The Harvard Divinity Bulletin, Vol. 27, No. 1: 17-23

1962. "Easter Sermon," Memorial Church, April 2: 1-6

1962. "Empty," The Churchman, Oct.: 14-15

1962. "Exits Everywhere," Memorial Church, Sept. 30: 1-10

1962. "The Frontiers of Religion," The Center, Vol. III, No. 1-2: 101-111

1962. "The incarnation and our contemporary culture," Letter to Laymen, Nov./Dec.: 1-2, 8

1962. "The Job of Being Christian Now," Laymen's Conference, Opening Lecture, Harvard Divinity School: 1-4

1962. "Mr. Minister, Meet Moloch," Graduate School of Theology Bulletin, Vol. VII, No. 2: 3-10

1962. "Nurture of Faith by the Use of Books," Motive, Vol. XXII, No. 5: 11-14

1962. "The Prayer of Our Labors," address for the dedication of the Prayer Chapel, Old Cambridge Baptist Church: 1-2

1962. "In Remembrance...," A Communion Meditation, given at Old Cambridge Baptist Church

1962. "Revolution and Religion," The Beacon, Vol. XXXIX, No. 10: 290

1962. "Rivets and Reality," The Mission of the Christian College in the Modern World: 4-11

Box 4

1962. "Sacred Space in a Secular Age," Theology Today, Vol. XIX, No. 2: 212-223

1962. "Theological Embarrassment," Perspective, Vol. III, No. 4: 4-11

1962. "Two Ways to End the World," The Alumnae Magazine, Vol. XVI, No. 4: 3, 36-38

1963. "Christ Church," Protestant Church Buildings and Equipment, Nov.: 16-17, 34

1963. "The Church and the World," and "The Minister and the Church," The Voice, Vol. 55, No. 5: 9-19

1963. "Confessions of an Age [Poster]," Public Lectures offered by Lowell Institute

1963. "The Dana Lectures," Carleton College: 3-45

1963. "I'm Glad You Asked That Question"

1963. "Integrity, Ideology, and Experience," Motive, Vol. XXIII, No. 8: 36-40

1963. "The Measure of Our Moral Freedom," 1-8

1963. "Ministers Overworked and Unemployed," Information Service: 6

1963. "Prayer," delivered at the Memorial Church, No. 23: 1-2

1963. "Prayer," delivered at the Memorial Church for a memorial service for John F. Kennedy

including press releases and Charles P. Price's "Some Words for John F. Kennedy"

1963. "The Prophetic Responsibility of Theological Training," 216-227

1963. "The Vision of Reality-And Art," Review and Expositor: 131-141

1964. "Address," Annual Church Federation Dinner, Conrad Hilton Hotel: 1-6

1964. "Biographical Sketch"

1964. "Books Break Boundaries," Orientation: 36-39

1964. "A Character in Search of a Role," The Canadian Baptist, Sept. 1: 1, 9, 14

1964. "Dialectic vs. Logic: Samuel H. Miller's Theory of 'Double Meaning' and 'Reconciling Image,'" by Paul Grimley: 1-14

1964. "Education for Insecurity," address at the inauguration of Robert J. Arnott as President of Berkeley Baptist Divinity School, Oct. 13

1964. "The Gospel of Insecurity," sermon

1964. "The Heart has a Hunger," a sermon for the Rededication of the Sanctuary: 1-3

1964. "The Humanoid Heresy," address on the occasion of the Mid-Winter Commencement at Lycoming College: 1-7

1964. "The Individual in Art and Literature," The Individual in the 20th Century, one of four lectures given at the Library of the Church of the Advent

Box 5

1964. "Man the Believer," The Christian Century, Vol. LXXXI, No. 39: 1167-1168

1964. "The Nurture of Faith by the Use of Books," Pastoral Psychology, Vol. 14, No. 140: 25-26

1964. "On Hearing the Word," sermon preached at Memorial Church, Nov. 29: 1-6

1964. "Portfolio on the new Oratorio: What is Man?," Mission, March: 23-26

1964. Program, Weekly Leaflet of Christ Church in Cambridge, Vol. XXXI, No. 22

1964. "The Revolution in Art," in the program for the Forms of Truth Arts Festival

1964. "The Search for the Authentic You," Goucher Alumnae Quarterly, Vol. XLII, No. 4: 1-3

1964. "The Spirit of the Cathedral," program for the Festival of the Arts at Old South Church, Boston

1964. "Theological Education," Ecumenical Institute: 1-2, 6

1964. "To Minister to This Age," Harvard Alumni Bulletin: 388-390

1964. "What is Man?," words by Miller: 2-88

1964. "Where God Is," sermon preached at Old Cambridge Baptist Church: 1-6

1965. "As the Roads Converge," The Critic: 68-70

1965. "The Bread of Life," address delivered at Alod Cambridge Baptist Church, Feb. 7: 1-3

1965. "The Convocation Preacher," program for The Christian Convocation, and North Carolina Pastor's School

1965. "Death: The Certainty of Reality," Dickinson College Chapel, Feb. 23: 1-6

1965. "The Ecumenical Cross," Thought, Vol. XL, No. 156: 5-12

1965. "Education for Insecurity," Harvard Divinity Bulletin, Vol. 29, No. 2: 27-34

1965. "Education for Insecurity," The Watchman Examiner, Vol. 53, No. 10: 300-301

1965. "From Insecurity to Maturity," News Front, Vol. 8, No. 10: 66-67

1965. "Man Without a Face," McCormick Quarterly, Nov.: 3-9

1965. "New Dimensions in Theological Education," Harvard Divinity School Pamphlet

1965. "A New Type of Human Being," sermon preached in Schwab Auditorium, May 9: 1-5

1965. "One Character in Search of a Role," The Journal, Vol. 1, No. 1: 15-22

1965. "Radical Change and Religion's Role"

1965. "Religion: Healthy and Unhealthy," Religion and Health, Vol. 4, No. 4: 295-301

1965. Sakularitat-Atheismus-Glaube: 7-138

1965. "Testing Men for a New Age," address before the Chicago Sunday Evening Club, March 7

1965. "The Torment of God," 1-12

1965. What is Man?, words by Miller: 1-96

1966. "The Moral Responsibility of Education," Technology Review, Vol. 69, No. 2: 24-27, 47-48

1966. "The Mystery of Our Calling," The Baptist Program, Oct.: 11-13

1966. "Religion in the Public Schools," Conference on the Role of Religion in Public Education, May 19-20: 1-21

1966. Remarks of Miller to a luncheon meeting of friends of the Harvard Divinity School at the Cosmos Club

1966. Summary of Remarks at Acadia

Box 6

1967. "The Clown in Contemporary Art," Theology Today, Vol. XXIV, No. 3: 318-328

1967. "Delivers Hayward Lectures," Atlantic Baptist, Dec. 1

1967. "Discussion: The Seminary in Ten Years," Union Seminary Quarterly Review, Vol. XXII, No. 4: 329-345

1967. "Ecumenical Conference on Christian Worship," Experiments in Community: 3-14

1967. "The Measure of Our Moral Freedom," Riverside Church, NYC, June 30: 1-8

1967. "A Metaphor of the Self," Arc Directions: 1-5

1967. "The New Man," Sermon #2, Los Angeles: 1-11

1967. Sermon given at a service of commemoration and thanksgiving marking the 165th anniversary of First Baptist Church, and the 30th anniversary of the pastorate of Dr. Edward Hughes Pruden

1968. "The Desperate Dream of Hope," The Baptist Program, July: 4-5

1968. "The Desperate Dream of Hope," Chicago Sunday Evening Club, Jan. 1

1968. "The Desperate Dream of Hope," Vital Christianity, June 30: 12-14

1968. "Issue for Samuel H. Miller," Prospect, Vol. VII, No. 19: 1-16

1968. "Liturgy: Sign and Symbol," Una Sancta, Vol. 25, No. 1: 41-52

1968. "The Responsibility of the University," Perspectives, 1-6

1968. "Rev. Samuel Miller of Harvard Dies," New York Times, March 21

1968. "Rev. Samuel Miller, 68, Harvard Divinity Dean," The Boston Globe, March 21

1968. "Samuel Howard Miller, Former Trustee," Academy Reporter, Vol. 13, No. 5

1968. "Samuel Howard Miller, 1900-1968 Dean and John Lord O'Brian Professor, 1959-1968"

1969. "Bright Shoots of Everlastingness," sermon preached by James Luther Adams, speaker on the occasion of rededicating the Prayer Chapel at Old Cambridge Baptist Church as the Samuel H. Miller Chapel, Feb. 9: 1-6

1969. "The Desperate Dream of Hope," Baptist Leader, April: 6-8

1969. "What is Man?," program for the Seventh Biennial General Synod of The United Church of Christ, June 29

1978. Invitation to a commemoration of the life and service of Samuel Miller

1978. "A Message from the Past," The American Baptist, Nov.: 12

1978. "Samuel Howard Miller," A Service of Remembrance and Gratitude, March 20

1978. "Samuel H. Miller: Honest Man of God," Andover Newton Quarterly, Vol. 18, No. 3: 154-171

1978. "Samuel H. Miller's Dialogue with Reality," a paper for Theological Circle by Ernst E. Klein: 1-13

n.d. "The Christian in Our Time," sermon preached as Old Cambridge Baptist Church

n.d. "Field VI in the Divinity School Curriculum," Divinity School Bulletin: 71-74

n.d. "That Forgotten Christmas," sermon

n.d. "Hunger and Faith," sermon preached at the Old Cambridge Baptist Church

n.d. "Miracle and Meaning," a sermon: 1-6

n.d. "New Men for New Times," announcing the establishment of The Department of the Church, Harvard Divinity School

n.d. Photographs, collection of three

n.d. "The Prophetic Responsibility of Theological Training," 216-227

n.d. "The Realities of the Gospel," text of an address to be given at Eastern Regional Meeting of United Church of Christ

n.d. "The Refusal to Reflect," sermon preached at the Old Cambridge Baptist Church

n.d. "The Return of Ancient Gods," sermon preached at Old Cambridge Baptist Church

n.d. "Training Men in the Christian Faith," Inaugural Address Installation of The First President and The First Dean

n.d. "The Uncomfortable Marriage: Church and School," 1-13

n.d. Vertical File Inventory

n.d. "What is the Church?," sermon preached at Old Cambridge Baptist Church

n.d. "What are We Trying to Do?," sermon preached at Old Cambridge Baptist Church

n.d. "World Wide Communion," sermon preached at the Old Cambridge Baptist Church


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